Idiots 2


To: (New)


Edit 17/7/2024 

Oh no, I just found out that one of the screenshots are no longer visible. I reupload all the screenshots in my gallery just in case something like this happens:

Screenshot 1: 

Screenshots 2:

Screenshot 3:

Screenshot 4:

Screenshot 5:

Screenshot 6:

Screenshot 7:

Screenshot 8:

Screenshot 9:


Her photo:

Callout on Butterflycrescent92 again

Hello, if anyone is reading this. It’s me, AftonAfton, and let’s talk about Butterflycrescent92 for a bit. In case you forgot who

Butterflycrescent92 is, she’s a Filipino user I called out 2 years ago for toxic online behavior. She found out about me and got my DA account suspended, so the call out journey I wrote about her in 2022 no longer exists, unfortunately. 

The good news is I still have some screenshots from that journal. Here are some examples:

Screenshots by Stardust-Artway123 and Kian 

My two good old friends, Star and Kian, checked butterfly’s YouTube account to see if anything changed. They clicked on the video where the screenshots were taken from, and found that she deleted all the comments calling out her behavior. 

This is what the comment section looked like before.

Here’s the screenshot taken in 2022 by Stardust-Artway123.


I wonder why she deleted those comments. Not only that her “Black’s true colors” playlist is gone too. For those wondering, this was the playlist before she deleted it. Shot taken in 2022 by Stardust-Artway. 

My friend Kian did some digging on deviantart and found an argument between butterfly and another user. This comment thread is recent and what’s so interesting about this she was asked about her hatred towards black people countless of times and she didn’t respond to this user ever again. Hmm…I wonder why? 

Screenshot by Kian. Notice the way she comments on blacks btw. 

I believe Butterfly did not redeem herself and I’m not falling for “I changed”bullshit. It’s clear she deleted comments and playlist not because she knew what she did was wrong, but to make it look like nothing happened before so she doesn’t give herself a bad reputation. She learned absolutely nothing from all of this.

Edit: I do notice a pattern that she only supports people and even fictional characters with lighter skin complexion. Colorism here in the Philippines is common so it does make sense.

In case:


Mr Enter video about Star Giant Productions


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