Maxwell’s comments

“ Hey Maxwell, hope youre doing good. My question: How did you grow out your beard the way you did?”

“I got really sad and didn’t go outside for a long time.”-Maxwell.

how did you get started working at Cartoon Network? im hoping to start working there someday wish me luck


Good luck! I got into the industry in general by getting an internship at Film Roman through the Television Academy. I had to submit some films I’d made, a letter, and a short interview video. It may or may not be the same 20 years later.

I will say that internships are great, though. Mine was paid, which is EXTRA great. But meeting other people who are actively working in the field you want to be in is invaluable.

After my internship, I was rolled onto a show. That show was cancelled about a year later, and I submitted a portfolio to Cartoon Network.

And that’s about it!”

Anonymous asked:

So Max whats it like out there in Hollywood.

Hideously depressing. But I guess it’s like that everywhere.

 Anonymous asked:

Hi, Max. I’m an aspiring animator with a project I’ve been workshopping for years, and since UK doesn’t take animation as seriously as over in the US, my mum said I should stay in college for a masters degree so I can keep getting money and put my project to the side, but I really want to get my project off the ground. I have no team, no money, I’ve only got my own equipment. I need your advice should I stay at college or go out and get my project off the ground? What should I do?

Well, right now I’m jobless in a pandemic because I chased my dream until it crushed me. But also... I once chased my dream and got my dream job.

So... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sorry I can’t be more helpful. I do wish you the best, though!”

Anonymous asked:

Where did the idea for the Grim Adventures of Kids Next Door come from? Were there any other crossover ideas that you had considered?

You can blame that on Mr. Warburton.

I had just come off of Spider Queen, which has come off the heels of CN Invasion and Big Boogey. The series was officially ending, and we were bleeding staff. I was nearing the end of panic-mode and looking forward to whatever might be coming next... and then I got a call from Warburton.

He wanted to do a crossover. I said no. He reminded me that both of our series had started together, and this was our one chance to work together before our shows ended together. And he was right. He’s usually right.“


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