By commenter “ Honestly, are people becoming dogs? Because I've rarely heard so much nonsensical barking! Oh, wait! She doesn't think like we do, this gives us the right to ruin her life! ° Art Does Not Equal Belief/Support/Anything. My biggest issue with those idiots is that they believe her art equals evidence of who she is. Really? Then let's drag Stephen King to court for writing kids having sex with each other in "It"! He wrote that, this means he is a p3d0!!! Only... No, it doesn't. It doesn't mean shit. Her work is not a fetish. It's exploring a common (horrible, but common) trait of killers. They do get sexual satisfaction from what they do and many killers are also rapists. Not all, but many. She just made it explicit. Also, regarding that "puke of nonsense" (aka, the twitter post some people are tossing around as if it was a passage from the Bible)... Seriously, guys? We're taking the words of someone from social media as the G...