Best comment section with arguments ======= =====••==••••••••• UnStorm Says “ After years I realize just how great this song is in retrospect, it's a song from the perspective of something that people don't really think about or pay attention to, that being the perspective of the families of the victims. This side of the story is very real and very depressing. How would you feel like if your entire reason to live, your everything, was stripped away from you overnight? What if someone murdered your child? The lyrics show the story of the mother of presumably 'Cassidy' aka, Golden Freddy, and how she starts spiraling deeper and deeper into depression and almost insanity thanks to William, even going as far as considering suicide. She talks about how even the thought of that night haunts her every day, how even thinking about it makes her blood boil. She's mad at the murderer but she's mostly mad at herself. This song really humanizes the story of FNAF, maki...